Saturday, July 29, 2006


This is a beautiful little fragment of prose/poetry that my wife emailed to me in the very early days of our relationship, which then became the centrepiece of a simple webpage with a whimsical lighthouse background...

What do I want to do?
I want to sail.
I want to fly through clouds and feel amber sunrays on my face.
I want to be free to decide each instant at the instant, without fear of repercussion.
I want to be bold.
And naive.
I want to make people feel something.
But most of all I want to sail...

Saturday, March 04, 2006


For my wonderful wife, written on the occasion of her birthday.

Everyday I wait outside
Let the milling crowds go rushing past
Mind wandering carelessly
Humidity mixed with cooling blast
Then I look up
You're all I see
A smile breaks out
Just for me
And I think
Once again
How beautiful you are

Sunday, February 12, 2006


once innocent and free
due to blighted circumstance
and desire for sanity
are now condemned
to wither and die
in some fetid sinkhole
of the marshlands of my mind

Friday, December 09, 2005


putting aside the things of youth
sometimes easy
sometimes painful
each time leaves
the tiniest of scars

Mini Me

For many years, googling my name brought up only information about me. I was the only one: alone, unique, apart. But now it seems that there is another - a brother-in-name who attends the 5th grade of Stapleton Elementary in Missouri.

Good luck, little one.

A beginning

An opening warning to the prospective reader: this blog may be neither entertaining nor introspective. However, it will be a place to set down the concepts that careen frantically around my little brain. A form of pensieve, if you like, where my thoughts can gather, pause for breath and socialise with each other and with the greater world beyond, before re-entering the mental tumble dryer.